August/September - Time flies

Month two of work flew by!

We were lucky enough that the practice partners had organised a full CPD day for us and the other practice vets with Polly Taylor MRCVS, anaesthesia specialist. General anaesthesia in horses can be quite intimidating, particularly for a new graduate. Despite both having seen multiple equine GAs during EMS and rotations, being involved in a greater capacity can be scary. Polly gave us some great tips and the day overall was a real confidence boost. We have since enjoyed using many of the techniques learnt with new cases that have come through the hospital.

In an effort to improve our work life balance we headed out to Burghley Horse Trials as well as setting off on the inaugural Chine House Wheelers cycle ride. The newly founded practice cycling club had a very successful outing ending at the pub. As the days are getting shorter so will the rides, meaning plenty of time for a drink. Come spring we will be a well oiled peloton, next step is to get team jerseys. Burghley was great fun enjoying horses from a spectators point of view, and catching up with old friends. Plenty of shopping was done and we were very spoilt by the weather. Roisin got a little visit by the police on the way home in the car, but thankfully just to let us know her tyre was flat!


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