July/August 2018 - New kids on the block

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon, when two bright eyed and bushy tailed young vets pulled up at the Chine House car park to move into their new accommodation. It suddenly dawned on them that they’d be started new grown up jobs tomorrow! We had never met before as Millie had graduated from Edinburgh and Roisin had come over from Liverpool. We soon realised that being both the new girls together, made the new start slightly less daunting. Roisin has taken the role of house vet where she would be based in the hospital, and Millie has started out on the road. Day 1: No horses, lots of paperwork. Starting a new job requires lots of induction, including learning how to safely use a step ladder (thank goodness!). Once up to date with the health and safety rules of the practice we were let loose on the yard to meet our new colleagues. Roisin: As the house vet I have moved into an on site flat at the practice and so my first job was to sort out the five years worth of belongings I had t...