March 2018 – It’s all in the mind

The beginning of this month saw me navigating the slopes around Tignes in minus 20°C without a) hurting myself and b) killing myself. It was my first attempt at skiing since I was a small child and the 25-year gap between outings did nothing for my ability or confidence. As the days passed my skills sharpened up and falls became blessedly less frequent. I found when I didn’t worry so much then my skiing became more relaxed and therefor more enjoyable. Overthinking is a knack of mine so this was a tricky task, I bit like mastering rising trot when I was learning to ride. The trick is to realise when you’re doing well then immediately think about anything else! And I did manage to let go and enjoy myself, although on one memorable occasion I thought I was on a blue piste and skiing happily along until I realised, somewhat belatedly, it was actually a red piste. I’m not sure how long I was unintentionally on this route but as soon as I realised my skiing became a lot poorer. The feel...