November 2017 – What no one told you about becoming a vet
Well it’s been five months of being a real-life vet and while vet school and 38 weeks of EMS does a lot to prepare you for a career in veterinary medicine, there is nothing quite like on the job experience! Chatting with my classmates about their experiences of a newly graduated vet it seems that there are some definite surprises that nothing can prepare you for. And so, I present: What no one told you about becoming a vet – the surprises of a new grad in practice. There are a surprising number of dog owners who aren’t aware of the functional anatomy of their pet’s reproductive system. This was common to a lot of my friends, accompanied by horror stories of having to explain exactly what that ‘white stuff’ coming out of their dog’s nether regions was. I remember a specific call from a distressed lady one evening when I was last on call, her dog had managed to tie with a teddy bear and it took all my professionalism to keep a straight face and calm voice during the phone call. The r...