October 2017 – The dreaded work-life balance

“So, have you made any friends on the island?” my practice manager asked kindly from behind his desk. It’s the end of my three month probation period and I’ve just had my review. While the review in general was thankfully positive (Hooray!), under the section on my feedback form entitled ‘How can you improve in the next 6 months?’ I had written, tongue in cheek: ‘Get a life’. Of course, throughout vet school and indeed, the veterinary literature, the work-life balance is widely discussed as part of the wider discussion of the mental health of veterinary professionals. I know it’s important but I’m not sure worrying about my poor work-life balance is helping my stress levels! In first year it took me until February to make a firm circle of friends in spite the hectic social schedule of Glasgow Vet School, so I was not overly concerned about my lack of new social life. But since this meeting I have reflected on my rather blasé attitude to friend-making, if it takes me 4 mont...